Thursday, February 9, 2023

Waking Up in Nairobi

4:50am the alarm goes off.  This is the start of another adventure.  By the time we had a cup of coffee and did all our last minute checking, our ride had arrived.  A bit early at 6:15 but no problem we were looking forward to having breakfast in the Delta Sky Club.  Picked up the Meeres in Marion and it was off to Logan.  Made it through the traffic and got to Logan with plenty of time to enjoy breakfast before boarding.  

A quick 40 minute shuttle flight to JFK and a hike through the terminal - because of course our connecting flight is on the other side of the terminal.  But at least it is the same terminal. We landed early giving us lots of time to get to the gate and grab a quick lunch bite at the Delta Express Lounge.  We are now very comfortably sitting in first class enjoying the room and champagne.  So far so good - everything's been on time.  We only hope the luggage is with us.  I'm pretty sure it is but these days you never know.

So now we sit back and relax for the next 13 hours or so and hopefully find Alex waiting for us in Nairobi.

Landed early in Nairobi.  Got a bit of sleep on the plane.  Much more civilized when you can stretch out.  We are all a bit weary though.  Customs was a breeze  but no Alex waiting outside.  I knew it was a bit of a long shot.  Instead we had a very nice man from the hotel holding a Paul Meer sign for the Eka Hotel - close enough.  A short drive, checked in, found our room, and I was at the pool before you could say splash.  This place is nice - nothing too fancy but a nice pool and plenty of services.  Paula and J joined us before long.  We spent most of the afternoon chatting with a lovely women from Canterbury England who has been to this part of the world several times.  Soon we were joined by a woman from outside of Toronto. So nice to talk to new people.  I love hearing about the different places they live and have been to.

We were all having a lovely quiet down time. However, we had yet to hear anything from our guide/driver for this excursion.  I immediately contacted Alex.  After a bit of a back and forth, he told us he injured his leg playing soccer.  Glad we brought him 4 soccer balls.  Maybe I haven't mentioned the gifts yet -- Alex wanted something from Boston.  I picked up a Red Sox hat and some sea glass from our beach.  Then he called wanting soccer balls for a small club that he coaches.  Paula was tasked with clothes for his 3 year old girl.  I learned a lot about soccer balls and Paula had lots of fun buying clothes for a little girl plus a very cute doll!  Anyway, I digress.... Alex said that Juma will be at the hotel soon.  That was at 2pm - he showed up at 5pm.  

We discussed plans for tomorrow and took a look at the vehicle we would be living in for the next couple of weeks..  After that got sorted, Juma phoned Alex and put me on the phone.  Alex said that he has upgraded some of our accommodations - or at least that is what I think he said..  We'll see what that means.  Meanwhile, we are now going to get ready for dinner - probably go to the hotel restaurant.  

Just back from dinner which was lovely.  Time for bed. Early start tomorrow.  Juma says we should be on the road by 7am.  We'll see.

Next time.. Aberdare National Park


  1. A very long day and night (hope he pods were comfortable)

  2. Waiting to hear more! Sue S.
